Can Women Lead?
SURELY THERE ARE WOMEN WHO CAN LEAD Prophetic Message By Stephen Hanson Hear what the Lord is saying through Stephen Hanson, as posted on River of Revival Ministries: Stephen Hanson In His Truth GAL 3:26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, [27] for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. [28] There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. [29] If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. "What has become of the women that are in the church? I tell you that a new wave is hitting the church. For too long women have been pushed aside. For too long a man has run the show. It is true that I have placed man to be the head of the house, but too many men have lorded this over with the women in their lives. This is a serious matter. It is true that I have called men to be the spiritual leaders in their home. I have called many women to stand side-by-side with the great leaders of men in the church. In Christ there is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female. There is a certain gift and a certain trait that both male and female possess, and that is the ability to worship Me in spirit and in truth. But there is a false teaching in the church. This teaching says that a woman may not teach or lead over other men. This has been misunderstood. This has been misapplied. I want there to be women teachers. I want there to be women pastors. I want there to be women apostles and prophets, and evangelists. Look to your roots and tell me if there hasn't been any women leaders in the church? Tell Me that there was never a Deborah. Tell Me that there was never an Esther." "I tell you that the church is not just man's building, but it is mine. Don't hold so tightly to your traditions that you won't see my spirit moving in this. I tell you that the applecart will be turned over; and you will see that I make no preferences. " "Continue to be the leaders in your homes, men. Continue to do what I've called you to do. Continue to stand and fight and wage war against the enemy in your lives. But allow women to stand side-by-side with you in the battle. Continue to pastor your church. Continue to lead in whatever capacity I've called you to lead, but watch as I raise up women in leadership roles. Then surely, my church will come to fullness.
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The Gospel is was not meant to deny women their divine destiny