Journaling: Record Holy Spirit Thoughts
The Lord had been leading me to learn more about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I developed a hunger for more of a spiritual relationship with God. I visited any credible church that had Christian prophets, evangelists, deliverance ministers and permitted them to lay hands on me for prophesy and prayer.
Shortly after that the journaling started. I remember the first time journaling happened to me. I was recording my thoughts and reasonings after reading the Word of God. One day, I recognized spontaneous thoughts from my spirit coming into my mind. At first I believed these thoughts originated from my mind but the thoughts referred to me in the third person and Jesus in the first person. The thoughts were beautiful, Godly thoughts. I recorded them in my journal as they came forth from my spirit.
I was skeptical to say the least. After my experience with channeling before I became a Christian, I tested these thoughts carefully with the Word of God. Not only were these thoughts confirmed by the Bible scriptures I knew but they tested out by scriptures that were not known to me at the time.
These spontaneous thoughts were not the same as channeling in the following ways:
This activity occurred during prayer, meditation on the scripture, or during a time of praise and worship.I had total control of thoughts and could stop them at any time.
The thoughts were in the form of my inner voice (when thinking) and always comforted, instructed or convicted of sin. (correction not condemnation)I reasoned that this must be a type of prophesy and shared my journal writing with my husband and other Christians who said that these stories, writing, and visions could be from the Lord. They replied that some of the journal entries were definitely from God and a few could have been from God or could have originated from me.
I continued writing and one day I was watching "Catch the Fire Ministries" on TV. Mark Virkler is the leading expert on hearing the voice of God was a guest on their show. He struggled many years of not hearing God even though he was an ordained minister and pastor.
He discussed journaling and described exactly what I was doing--writing down what God was speaking to me through my spirit. I found his study guide "Communication With God" to be one of the most informational Christian books I have ever read. In his book, he explains how journaling is vitally important in a supernatural walk with the Lord Jesus.
Journaling is an entry into learning to exercise the spiritual senses God has given all born-again Christians. As journaling is practiced, there is more confidence to exercise the other spiritual gifts such as prophesy, healing, words of knowledge, faith and evangelism. Many journaling beginners have their writings evaluated by other mature Christians that can tell if the writing is from God or from the soul.
The links below are example journal writings given to me by the Holy Spirit. I submit these writing for you to read in hope that you might benefit from these writings and begin a personal journal with your communication with God.
The links below are example journal writings given to me by the Holy Spirit. I submit these writing for you to read in hope that you might benefit from these writings and begin a personal journal with your communication with God.
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